Game On: GOP Primary Challenger Blasts State Rep. Susan Lynn for Voting Yes on Gas Tax Increase After Saying She Opposed It

Less than 24 hours after State Rep. Susan Lynn (R-Mt. Juliet) broke her promise not to vote for a gas tax increase, her 2018 Republican primary challenger is on the attack.

“In a story reported by The Tennessee Star on March 12, 2017 Susan Lynn declined a challenge by Jeremy H. G. Hayes to debate her support of the Gas Tax, saying, ‘No, I am not for the gas tax so there is nothing to debate,’ ” the Jeremy Hayes for State Representative campaign said in a statement released on Thursday.

Hayes announced in February he will challenge Lynn in the August 2018 Republican primary to represent the 57th House District.

In a March 12 story titled “State Rep. Susan Lynn: ‘I Am Not For The Gas Tax So There Is Nothing To Debate’,” The Tennessee Star reported:

“No, I am not for the gas tax so there is nothing to debate,” State Rep. Susan Lynn (R- Mount Juliet) tells The Tennessee Star in response to challenger Jeremy Hayes’ March 8 press release calling on her to debate him over the issue. Hayes opposes Gov. Haslam’s proposed gas tax increase.

As The Star reported on Wednesday, Rep. Lynn was one of 37 Republicans who voted yes for the gas tax increase bill known as The Improve Act “Tax Cut Act of 2017,” which passed the House by a 60 to 37 margin.

“In another email Lynn claimed, ‘I have never voted for a tax increase and I have voted to lower our taxes many times.’ On April 19, 2017 Lynn voted to raise the gas tax,” the Hayes campaign statement continued.

Minutes after Lynn voted yes to increase gas taxes on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives on Wednesday, Hayes tweeted his disapproval:

Hayes then sounded a refrain on Twitter that many of the 37 Republicans who voted yes to increase the gas tax are likely to hear between now and August 2018, when the Republican primary will be held:

“With our state having a two billion dollar surplus (taxes) I am disheartened, but not surprised Lynn was untruthful in her support of the gas tax,” Hayes said in the statement released by his campaign on Thursday.

“She is a bought and paid for candidate who received nearly $41,000 from special interest groups during her last election. Lynn cares more about taking care of those special
interest groups than the people of District 57, ” Hayes added.

“Raising the gas tax is irresponsible, and when elected to office I will fight to repeal this unwarranted burden on our district,” the challenger promised.

“It does not take a math or business degree to understand that raising the fuel and diesel tax, on the companies which transfer products to stores, will cost the consumer more on both ends. The shipping companies will not eat that additional overhead cost; they will pass that on to the consumer (raising the cost of products). At the end of the day our families will pay more in the store, and
more at the pump,” Hayes concluded.


The Tennessee Star contacted Rep. Lynn for comment, but has not received a response.

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  1. […] Game On: GOP Primary Challenger Blasts State Rep. Susan Lynn for Voting Yes on Gas Tax Increase After Saying She Opposed It (Tennessee Star) Less than 24 hours after State Rep. Susan Lynn (R-Mt. Juliet) broke her promise not to vote for a gas tax increase, her 2018 Republican primary challenger is on the attack. “In a story reported by The Tennessee Star on March 12, 2017 Susan Lynn declined a challenge by Jeremy H. G. Hayes to debate her support of the Gas Tax, saying, ‘No, I am not for the gas tax so there is nothing to debate,’ ” the Jeremy Hayes for State Representative campaign said in a statement released on Thursday. Hayes announced in February he will challenge Lynn in the August 2018 Republican primary to represent the 57th House District.… […]
